02 Juni 2021, by SenayanCity
Jakarta – In line with the concept of Senayan City in educating the public to increase awareness of the environment through a better lifestyle through the #SCCONSIOUS program which has been implemented in 2021, Senayan City is creating another collaboration with Sejauh Mata Memandang (SMM) entitled "BUMI Rumah Kita", for more real action in healing the earth. Located on the 1st floor, Senayan City, SMM is back for the third time to educate and raise public awareness of emergency waste conditions, and this exhibition is devoted to textile waste. This exhibition runs from 30 April 2021 - 1 August 2021.
The exhibition is spotted and supported by the visitation from the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ms. Angela Tanoesoedibjo, on Monday, 31 May 2021. Accompanied by Chitra Subyakto, Founder and Creative Director of SMM, each section was explained in detail, from the vision & mission of the exhibition, real actions taken, to the collaboration of various parties that support the ‘BUMI Rumah Kita’ exhibition.
Brought up the sad fact about the state of the earth which is now a ‘waste emergency’, SMM has consistently held various initiatives that allow everyone to participate in responsible waste management while saving the earth. And through this exhibition, Chitra wants to increasingly involve the community to jointly change behavior, create ecosystems, and become an environmentally friendly community based on 4 principles, namely (1) reduce, (2) reuse, (3) recycle, and ( 4) renewable.
During the exhibition, SMM provided a drop box area, where each visitor could enter trash such as styrofoam, plastic bags, bubble wrap, plastic bottles (pet), sachets, used paper waste (magazines, newspapers, books, cardboard), can packaging, canned food, aluminum, beauty product waste, and textile waste for up-cycle (clothes that are still fit for use) and re-cycle (clothes that are no longer fit for use).