08 Maret 2021, by SenayanCity

A New Way of Thinking

Jakarta, March 08, 2021 – Welcoming March, Senayan City dedicates a special campaign that is different from previous years. In order to implement the importance of awareness and increasing standards for health and the environment, Senayan City carries the theme CONSCIOUS: A New Way of Thinking, which starts from 08 - 28 March 2021 with various programs, sports activities, and talk shows that provide more understanding of the importance of changing lifestyles in order to be better and healthier.

“Conscious is the highlight of Senayan City's invitation to customers, in order to learn and act better in adopting a new lifestyle after the last year we struggled to adapt to a pandemic. Also coinciding with the commemoration of the EARTH HOUR moment which is held annually on the last Saturday in March, Senayan City participates to be more active in inviting tenants and customers to take part in changes for the earth. Senayan City as a shopping mall has campaigned for good things that can be adapted by customers. On this occasion, we will emphasize with more tenants, more contents, up to more actions related to Conscious Lifestyle and Living. Shopping is a healing process and being consciously cultivating something for the earth, it becomes more fun and in many ways.” explained Halina, as Leasing & Marketing Communications Director Senayan City.



Starting from March 8 – 28, 2021, Senayan City Instagram Live will share various information and education, to invite online customers to be able to participate more in improving health standards and environmental awareness, through various activities that will be presented directly. Continuing with the theme CONSCIOUS, various interesting topics that can be enjoyed such as: upcycle fashion talks which will be brought by well-known designer colleagues such as COTTONINK and SAUL & PURANA; conscious eating & healthy lifestyle in collaboration with dr. Riani Sutanto is an expert on Naturopathy, ABC Cooking, Natural Farm, Orum Studio, Podomoro University, and ZERO WASTE INDONESIA. More discussions about FOOD WASTE AND COMPOS from Sustaination will be one of the focuses of CSR Senayan City to educate Senayan City customers about waste.

March is also a celebration of International Women's Day on March 8, 2021, which invites women around the world to fight for equality. With the theme CHOOSE TO CHALLENGE, women are invited to be able to challenge themselves to make changes. In line with Senayan City's concept of embracing customers to make changes by thinking better, the moment of International Women's Day became lively with several activities aimed at women. Senayan City invites several collaborators who will invite sports and share education such as: #SCHEALTH POUND Class with Ria Hapsari and #SCTALKS Royal Sport Performance Center "Staying Healthy and Fit For Active Woman" which can be followed and enjoyed through Senayan City Instagram Live.



Senayan City participates in making changes by collaborating in an exclusive talk show with WWF Indonesia on March 27, 20201, in the discussion of WWF-Count Down To Earth Hour 2021 and Unity in Biodiversity. Special sports activities to commemorate the celebration of Earth Hour, Pound In The Dark and the blackout for one hour at 20.30 WIB to support the change of Senayan City for the earth. In addition, Senayan City also urges tenants and customers not to use plastic bags for shopping, producing eco-friendly merchandise with attractive designs so that it becomes a good habit that continues to be maintained.



Exclusive for SCX Iconic Member! Fulfill your needs by shopping at Senayan City from March 15-28, 2021, and win various attractive prizes such as Senayan City e-vouchers IDR 200.000, Optical Melawai vouchers IDR 200.000, F&B tenant vouchers IDR 100.000, - and various other prizes. It is enough to shop for a minimum of IDR 1.000.000 at the Fashion, Beauty, Health & Sports tenants and immediately get these prizes. Bigger chances for SCX member to get additional up to 3X SCX Points for every transaction in participant tenants. *

Every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday on 17, 19, 20, 24,26, & 27 March 2021, customers who shop with a certain minimum, will have the opportunity to bring home grandprize* from Senayan City such as: Tom Ford Sunglasses, voucher L 'Occitane worth IDR 500.000, -, or Fashion Hampers by Lekat.

*Limited stocks and T&C applied

Enjoy a variety of exclusive offers for female customers at various Salon, Beauty, Fashion, Bags & Shoes tenants who participate to celebrate International Women's Day and don't miss the SPECIAL TREATS* treatment with min. transaction IDR 500.000, - and beverages with min. transaction of IDR 250.000.

*Valid only at tenant participants


And, specifically for female SCX Members who shop on March 8, 2021 with a minimum spend of IDR 1.000.000, for all tenants, have the opportunity to get a Senayan City e-voucher of IDR 50.000 and an additional 30 SCX Points directly *.

*Limited stocks and valid only for SCX Female Member. T&C applied.

What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Follow Instagram @senayancity social media or use the hashtag #SCCONSCIOUS to get the latest information. Download the Senayan City application on the Apple Store / Google Play for membership information and the latest promos.

At Senayan City, infinite discovery and delight awaits you.

Stay safe and healthy. #SocialReset

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