08 Maret 2021, by SenayanCity
Jakarta, 03 March 2021 – Senayan City as one of the favorite shopping destinations in Jakarta, along with other shopping centers that are members of APPBI DPD DKI Jakarta, fully support the vaccine program run by the Government. Right on March 2, it is a momentum to remind you that one year ago the first COVID-19 case was found in Indonesia. Senayan City socializes the NOW NORMAL campaign starting from the opening of the mall in June 2020, by improving and implementing various health procedures and protocols for visitors when they are on the move in the Senayan City complex area. The protocols include the signage area for the mandatory use of masks, checking body temperature, using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, keeping a minimum distance of 1 meter, UV-C sterilizer for shopping bags, and Air Handling Unit (AHU) to Touch-less Experiences such as the elevator button and parking ticket machines that are at risk of being frequently touched by visitors.
Along with the good news from the Government regarding the procurement of a vaccine program for all Indonesians, Senayan City has also participated and supported the success of the program, which has been distributed since the beginning of this year. Senayan City participates in broadcasting a form of support by displaying things that have been done by Senayan City in all mall promotional media such as Social Media, LED, and all available media by including the hashtags #MALLSIAPDUKUNG #VAKSINUNTUKKITA #SIAPDIVAKSIN #APPBIDKIJAKARTA.
Relaunch, Remind, Reemphasize.
Senayan City takes you to welcome THE NEXT NORMAL in 2021. #SOCIALRESET #SCNOWNORMAL