18 Juni 2020, by SenayanCity
Jakarta, June 15, 2020 – As the one of favorite shopping destinations by Jakartans, Senayan City is back and welcoming the beloved customers on Monday, June 15, 2020. Entering the “NOW NORMAL”, Senayan City increases and adjusts the safety procedures and protocols for customers during the Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in transition period for customers’ comfort-ness. Starting from the signage of must-worn face masks, body temperature check, application of alcohol hand sanitizer, keep physical distancing with min. 1 m apart, UV-C sterilizer for shopping bags up to the touch-less experience in elevator area and heavy-traffic area.
“We are very happy and ready to meet again with our customers. As safety and comfort-ness are our priority, and following the COVID-19 prevention protocols from Ministry of Health and Government Regulations No.51/2020 about the Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in transition period towards a healthy, safe and productive society, Senayan City increases the healthy protocols during shopping, while enjoying the meals at Delicae / favorite restaurants up to the user of public facilities.
We have also increased the frequency of cleaning in areas where there is a lot of physical contacts such as elevator buttons and escalators since early February 2020. We aim to provide a sense of security and comfort-ness while in public spaces, as well as giving a sense of trust that Senayan City has prepared the best to maintain the health of all parties.
Not only that, various health protocols and Now Normal procedures are also applied when entering the Senayan City area, from the process of queuing in Concierge, to the process of using mall facilities such as SCX Lounge, Mother's Room, Mosque, Toilets, and ATM centers. All points of the public area that require queues have been installed signage and information so that visitors are expected to comply with existing procedures," explained Jaclyn Halim, Leasing and Marketing Communication GM Senayan City.
Senayan City continues to apply temporary operating hours from 15 June 2020 and serving visitors from 11.00 to 20.00 WIB, which applies from Monday - Sunday (include the public holidays).
In addition, to welcome NOW NORMAL, Senayan City has also prepared various attractive shopping programs and rewards for loyal visitors and especially SCX Iconic Members.
All the latest information on mall operations will be informed in the Senayan City Instagram account (@SenayanCity). Through this press release, Senayan City Management encourages visitors and media partners to maintain health and hygiene for the sake of mutual comfort.