27 Oktober 2017, by SenayanCity
Jakarta, 25 October 2017 – Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2018 is still happening in Senayan City until October 27, 2017. Senayan City as the official venue for JFW 2018 presents 4 fashion presentation which different from the previous years. For the 3rd fashion presentation, Senayan City present MAN MANUAL “The Men’s Trends Spotter” in collaboration with The Folio and MAP Fashion. This fashion presentation shows fashionable daddies/uncle with celebrity and entrepreneur muses with their kids wearing outfit from MAP fashion. Presented on this event Veri Y. Setiady as CEO Senayan City accompanied by Zoey Rasjid as Publisher of The Folio at Fashion Atrium, 1st floor on Wednesday (25/10).
“Men fashion has been evolved for the past years, just like the women fashion. Following this trend, Senayan City as a fashion capital especially for retails present Man Manual “The Men’s Trends Spotter” that we dedicate for men. All of men’s fashion on MAN MANUAL is outfit that can be wear for every occasion ranging from casual, preppy, metrosexual and many more. Through MAN MANUAL program, hopefully we can answer the man who needs fashion update. And to present the outfit, we also present fashionable daddies/uncles as muses from celebrity and young entrepreneurs like Christian Sugiono, Dana Maulana, Erick Bana Iskandar, Riri Mestica, Ronny Wibowo dan Samuel Rizal”. Veri said.
MAN MANUAL is one of Senayan City supports to Senayan City’s tenants especially for men fashion. For MAN MANUAL, all fashion presentations provides by MAP Fashion that presented by celebrity and young entrepreneur muses with their kids. They are Christian Sugiono with Arjuna Zayan Sugiono for Marks & Spencer, Dana Maulana with Biru Aqila Singedekane, Ronny Wibowo with Ozora F. Wibowo for Lacoste, Samuel Rizal with Drucilia Kalea Arifin for Tumi, Riri Mestica with Salma Khaaliqa Rachman for Nautica. Moreover, and Erick Bana Iskandar with El Barack Alexander.
“The Folio magazine always strive to give the best style for the Indonesian gentlemen and by cooperating with Senayan City and MAP Fashion , we are doing it in national scale for Jakarta Fashion Week 2018“, said Zoey for The Folio collaboration on MAN MANUAL.